Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2

I think I'm going to have to suck it up and start running outside in the cold again.  Our basement is just too depressing!  I ran for 30 minutes while the kids watched their favorite show, Phineus and Ferb.

In other news, our family finally has some pets!  We adopted two guinea pigs on New Year's Eve, and the kids are in love.  I thought we should name the brothers Phineus & Ferb, but Luke said that would be too embarrassing.  They named them Oreo and Bam-Bam.  Unfortunately, I'm worried about poor little Oreo.  He used to run around so fast when he was trying to hide from us.  Now he is barely moving.  I'm afraid maybe he was squeezed too hard by a someone's little hands.  I haven't seen him eat or drink in the last 24 hours, so I'm afraid for the worst.  I may head over to Walgreens and pick up a dropper or syringe to get some water in his mouth. Poor little guy!

The piggies live in the basement... so do the kids ;)

Day 2 Summary:
30 minute treadmill run/320 calories burned

1 comment:

  1. This is a GREAT idea. You are not an "Ironman Slacker." I don't think that is even possible. You are either an Ironman or a Slacker, but not both?

    I think those pigs are pretty tough. Maybe it is just not a good one and needs to be returned?
